
Marriage & Marriage Prep

Those who enter a sacramental marriage proclaim their participation in and with the values, beliefs, and mission of the Catholic Church. For this reason, the Church has a responsibility to ensure a certain quality of relationship and understanding as prerequisites for a sacramental marriage. Moreover, couples entering marriage have a right to experience the support of their faith community at this significant moment in their lives, and to receive the benefits of the wisdom of the community for the success of their marriage. The purpose of the marriage preparation process is, therefore, to allow the experience of the wider community to help a couple to look carefully at married life, as well as to anticipate any difficulties that they may experience so that their marriage may be a lifelong covenant.

  • No, at least the bride or the groom must be a parishioner at St. Lawrence Catholic Church and Newman Center in order to be married here.

  • Yes, if you are a parishioner, but a dispensation will most likely be needed.

  • Not if both you and your fiance are not Catholic. Yes, if at least one person is Catholic and is a member of the Newman Center.

  • No, we do not allow receptions in the social hall or gym.

  • Those who wish to livestream their wedding, please review and sign the following form.

  • If you only seek marriage prep with Fr. Jake and not the full process, the payment is $250 for prep only.




Anointing of the Sick